Friday, March 12, 2010

Twilight Saga: Eclipse

I just watched the trailer from the next saga in the Twilight series and I got goosebumps!!! I am so hooked on these now it's ridiculous. Reading the Eclipse book now so maybe I will be finished by June when it comes out. Side note: The New Moon movie comes out this month so will go buy that and watch it 100 times like I have Twilight!...

Anyone else seen it yet? If not go to YouTube and you can catch a glimpse of it. Gives you just enough to make you want more!!!! :)))

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Friday, March 5, 2010

My dog Sasha Ann

My poor little doggie has been really sick. We thought there for a while we were going to loose her but thankfully we didn't. She has a bad stomach infection and the vet did not give us much hope as to her making it. But thanks to some good medication and a strong will to live she has finally made a full recovery!
You may or may not know but we have 6 dogs now. 2 of which we've had then my Sadie Ann decided she wanted to be a mommy (against my better judgement) LOL and had 4 puppies almost a year ago now and of course I had to keep them all so now we have 6.....and they are all our babies. It was so sad to see her so sick and not being able to do anything. She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't drink, nothing but lay in our bedroom and sleep. She was so pitiful.
But now she is all better and more spoilt than ever. Look at the picture I took this past Sunday and you can see for yourself who really spoiled her...:))

Hope everyone has a great weekend and don't forget church on Sunday!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Nameing your children

I was reading an article on line today about how parents are naming there children really unusual names. No longer are they using names like Jacob, James, Amy, Brooke..some of the most common names but are coming up with some ridiculous names that is sometimes really hard to say. I couldn't help but remember when my kids were born and were trying to find the right names that what ever we decided on was something this child will be stuck with for the rest of there lives....No pressure right???....Anyways...since I didn't really have anything to blog about today thought this would be kinda cool. If you have children and you have a story behind there names...please share. I will start. All my children are named after family...

Justin named after his daddy Daniel and his grandfather Jack Daniel...Hence the initials are the same as his grandfathers (JDT) because I refused to name him Jack for obvious reasons...LOL

Jessica named after my daddy Dewey Lee...and her grandmother Veleria Ann...Leighann...get it???? LOL

Julie named after my mother Julia and middle name is Renee...

So there is my story on children's names...If you would like play along please do but if not this is just something interesting for you to read from me today.

Hope everyone has a Blessed Day!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentines Day!

With the sweetest day of the year approaching just wanted to say a few sweet words about my sweetheart. We have been together for so long I can't even remember a time when we were not together. High School...then marriage....nope never a time when we haven't been together. Marriage is very tough and when we got married...I was 18 he was 19 OMG, cannot believe I was married at that young of an age but I was and now at 41 and him at 42 I think I love him more now than I ever did back then. I don't think I really knew what love was. How could I, I was only 18 BUT I knew that I could not see myself with anybody else but him. So guess I knew something????
Anyways, I still miss him when were not together, I still think about him all day, I cannot wait to get home to see him, and even though he does sooooo many things to annoy me, I'm so glad God gave me him and his little annoyances!!! So Happy Valentines Day to my Sweetheart! I thank God for you everyday!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another Snow Day????

Well looks like were in for it again?? Snow, sleet, and freezing rain this time. And wouldn't you know it it is going to happen on a weekend when I have plans.

We were planning on going to see the movie Dear John. We have waited for so long to go see this movie and bammmmmmm snow. Then to top it all off we are going to Winter Jam Greensboro.

Please don't do to much that we can't get out. Another weekend stuck in the house is not something I am looking forward to!!!

Hope everyone has a great Thursday and will be back on Friday Lord willing!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well, we all have had them. Disappointing moments. But don't think I have ever had one as bad as I did this past Sunday. Not only were we stuck in the house because of the snow and no church....bummer....but I got the most disappointing news from my Sister this same Sunday.

She has been on the transplant list since May 2009 to get a Kidney and Pancreas. Well at 4:30 Sunday morning she got "the call" they had a match for her and how soon could she get to Duke Hospital. All the joy could be heard all over Greensboro as well as Reidsville. She was getting a new hope for a life without dialysis 3 days a week. Anyway as the conversation went on with the nurse from the hospital she has to ask the million and one questions....have you taken any drugs or had any alcohol in the past 48 hours...ummmmm NO!!! have you had the flu..ummmm NO!!! have you been on any antibiotics in the past 48 hours...ummmm...NO!!! have you had a cold in the past 48 hours...ummmm....YES!!!! to which she replied ummm....will have to call the doctor and see what he says. Her gland on the side of her neck was swollen and she went to the doctor he told her it was sinus and just told her to take over the counter meds...Sudefed or Claritan....but no antibiotics. The nurse called back and said that because of the swollen gland and the possibility of infection she could not have the transplant. Can you say DISAPPOINTMENT????? HEARTBREAKING????? DEVASTATED????? all the above was felt throughout the day!

Trying to cheer up someone who just go the most difficult news was almost impossible. Just had to try to get her to believe that this time was just not the right one for her and God has everything under control and he will send the right one when it's time! She believes this as well. Her faith has gotten her through so many difficult times she knows that it's all in God's hands and he will take care of everything.

Anyway, were still on the list and when another kidney and pancreas comes available, I just know the next time will be the right time for her. Just wanted to share this and ask that you keep my sister in your prayers that the right time will come very soon!!!

Happy Tuesday to all!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's been almost a year since my last post.!

Confession time.....

Dear Blog....It's been almost a year since my last post and I am confessing all! I honestly forgot all about you when I got on facebook. Please forgive me!!!!

Now I am back and hope to do much better about posting and getting back in touch with my long lost blogger buddies.

Hope all is well and will come back soon to post more when I have something interesting to say....:)
